
What is your chosen film genre? horror

Why? The reason why we have chosen horror is because it is a popular genre and we decided as a group that horror was the right one to choose

Explain the synopsis. I am being chased by a murderer who is wearing a mask and i am running away from the murderer and in the end i get killed.

Who is the target audience? Refer back to the BBFC. The target audience is mainly based at the older generation. The age rating of the film will be an 18, because it involves me being killed.

What original images will you be using? The original images we will be using will be the images that we took during when we was filming.

Who will you be photographing? The two main actors will be photographed

Main stars? Actor/model? Jack and Oliver

What original images will you be using? Who will you be photographing? The original images from the film trailer. A member of our team will be the photographer.

Logistics? Who, why, where, when? We are filming in in college. Because we have all the props and costumes we  need at college. We are filming next week. Jack and Oliver are the main actors in the film.

Mise en scene, props and costumes? We  have the props at college and we might have to bring in some props and we have costumes at college

Found images – what will they be of and where will you source them? Pictures of the main actors

What text will you be using and colour choice? Connotations? We will be using big text and the colour’s we will using will red and the black.

Production Company – what will be your company name? Zoom productions


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Analysing different horror film posters


Size of the main character: The main character is stood at the centre of the image.

Cropping of photos: pennywise has been put behind the title

Layering: They put the title next to the main character

Facial expression: There is no facial expressions except for pennywise who’s face is quite scary

Eye line: The main character which is pennywise and he is looking at the small figure.

Body language: Pennywise is stood and smiling sinisterly and looking at the small figure.

Colour: The colour’s they are very dark and they use black colours


Size of the main character: The main character is in the middle of the poster

Cropping of photos: They have cropped Freddy Kruger to be centred in the middle of the poster.

Layering: They put the name of the film on the bottom of the poster and they use the colour red to make it look like someone is going to get murdered.

Facial expression: There is a facial expression with the women in bed she looks scared .

Eye line: The women lying in the bed is looking scared

Body language: The women lying in the bed is looking shocked because she’s nows she’s being watched.

Colour: The colours they use are red and black. They use red text for the name of the film.


Size of the main character: The main character Pamela Voorhees

Cropping of photos: They’ve cropped the photo so they can fit the main character onto the poster

Layering: They’ve put the name of the film in white but for the rest of the title they put it in red.

Facial expression: There is on facial expression because you can’t see the characters face.

Eye line: There is no eye line in the film poster

Body language: There is no body language

Colour: The colours they use are black


Size of the main character: The main character is Jack Nicholson, and the main character is in the centre of the poster.

Cropping of photos: They have cropped the main character’s face so he fits in the middle of the poster.

Layering: They’ve put the name of the film at the top of the film poster

Facial expression: The facial expression on the character’s face is that he looks very scary.

Eye line: The eye line is that he looks very evil.

Body language: His body language is that he looks very sinister

Colour: The color they use is that they use the color black


Size of the main character: The size of the main character’s are both in the middle of the film poster

Cropping of photos: They have cropped the characters so they can fit on the poster

Layering: They’ve put the name of the film on top of the poster

Facial expression: The expressions on there faces is that they look like someone is going to get killed by the look on their faces.

Eye line: The eye line is that they are looking at each other and they look angry by the look of their faces.

Body language: The body language is that they are looking at each other face to face

Colour: In the film poster they use dark and sinister colours to make it look more like a horror film poster.


Size of the main character: The size of the main character is s quite small so the character can fit onto the film poster.

Cropping of photos: They have cropped the poster so they can fit the character onto the poster

Layering: The way the poster is laid out is that they have put the name of the title on top of the poster. For the poster they have used the colour green and the colour white

Facial expression: The facial expression on the character’s face is that they look evil

Eye line: The eye line is the main character is looking at the camera

Body language: The body language in the main character is that it’s quite scary because she’s got an evil look on her face.

Colour: The colour’s they use are quite dark.


Flashbacks in narrative structure

Band of brothers Flashback:

What happens in the scene? Captain winter has a flashback of when he was fighting in the war. He also has various war flashbacks

Band of brothers flashback scene


Who is the main character? Captain winter, he was young male soldier.

Why they have included a flash back? To reveal the back story of captain winter. Adding more depth to the character.

What has it added to the scene? They have added flashbacks in the film

How have they identified that the scene is flashback? Get bright flashes, they have also scenes of soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

What is the pace of the editing/post production/audio? The pace is fast, there is no audio. There is also a lot of jumping in the film. Pace is very jumpy.

Two films that i am doing:

Edward Scissor hands

What happens in the scene? Edward Scissor hands is having a flashback of how he was created.

Who is the main character? Edward scissor hands

Why they have included a flash back? To reveal the back story of Edward Scissor hands and also to reveal the back story.

What has it added to the scene? They have added flashbacks of Edward Scissor hands

How have they identified that the scene is flashback? They have added scenes of when he was being created in the factory.

What is the pace of the editing/post production/audio? The pace is quite slow and there is audio but it is at a slow pace.

Edward Scissor hands flashback:



Charlie and the Chocolate factory:

Willy wonka flashback sceneWhat happens in the scene? In this scene we see Willy Wonka having a flashback

Who is the main character? Willy Wonka is the main character.

Why they have included a flash back? To reveal the backstory of the character.

What has it added to the scene? they have added flashbacks of the character.

How have they identified that the scene is flashback? To reveal about his past and when he was a young boy.

What is the pace of the editing/post production/audio? The pace is quite slow and the audio is quiet.


British Board of Film Classification. (BBFC) Research task.

What is their mission? ”In order to protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released”?


What do they do?

  • ”protect  the public, and especially children, from content which might raise harm risks”
  • ”empower the public, especially parents, to make informed viewing choices”
  • ”recognise and respect adult freedom of choice within the law”
  • ”respond to and reflect changing social attitudes towards media content through proactive public consultation and research”
  • ”provide a cost-effective, efficient classification service within our statutory remit”
  • ”work in partnership with the industry to develop innovative service models to provide content advice which support emerging media delivery systems”
  • ”provide an effective service to enforcement agencies”

U: ”A U film should be suitable for audiences aged between aged four years and over, although it is impossible to predict what might be upset any particular child.”

PG: ”General viewing, but some scenes may be suitable for young children. A PG film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. Unaccompanied children for any age may watch.”

12 and 12a: ”Film classified 12a and video works classified 12 contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12a film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult.”

15: “No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video work”

18: “No one younger than 18 my see an 18 film in a cinema. No one younger than 18 may rent or buy an 18 rated film”.

R18: “The R18 category is a special and legally restricted classification primarily for explicit works of consenting sex or strong fetish material involving adults”.

Reclassified films:

“Apocalypse Now is another curious one”.
“I have the Redux version, which is 194 Minutes, and therefore I assume “Uncut”, and is rated 15.”
There is also the normal version, running for 153 Minutes and rated 18.

I also had on VHS, 18 rated versions of Terminator 2 and Die Hard 2, neither of which have ever shown up on DVD.


Blending images on Adobe Photoshop

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What I have done in photoshop:

In photoshop we was asked to blend two images together and that we could use different colours to contrast with the picture. While i was doing this i followed a step by step guide on Moodle to give me an idea of what i had to do. We blended the images by using a layer mask. We also had to add a texture which then converted the effect of black and white.

Film Poster analysis

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This is a screenshot of my Movie poster and i had to get a transparent image for the star wars title and i also got two pictures  of two light sabers but i had to make sure that they were transparent and that they contrast with the background.

movie poster

In this screenshot i added the age certificate so people know what age range the film is aimed at.

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This screenshot we have the name of the director and who the producer is and we also have written the film and when the released date is. The writing is very small but big enough just to see.

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This is the title for the film poster which is called the force awakens and for this i downloaded an image of the internet but i had to make sure that it was transparent and that it had to be eye catching for the audience.

This is my poster

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This is the original poster


These two look different because i had to create a movie poster that looked similar to what we have chosen. Once we got a quick idea of what we were doing, we had to create our own poster. When we were making our poster we had to add the age rating and put on a big title of the film. In my poster i have included a blue background to make it stand out and i also added two lightsabers because the film i was doing was star wars the force awakens, for the title of the film i got the image of the internet and then took a screenshot if it and put it onto my poster. For the name of the film i made the text myself and i made it big enough for people to see. The colour i used for my text was red and once i got my text big enough i changed the font and put it in bold.

Finishing my magazine 26/27 November 2018

How we worked together?

We worked together by splitting up different people doing different jobs, we decided what theme we were using in the magazine and what colours were using.

Did you need to change any layouts/font images when you saw the magazine completed?

We changed the layout because we decided to try a different layout that matched to the magazine. We changed the font to a different colour so we could make it stand out. We kept the same images in the magazine.

My magazine is published and i checked my google drive and everything is up to date


Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 15.13.55.png For the front cover we had to change the title and we renamed it Film and music magazine. We put the text into different colours. We also used a different font for each of the title.

Press Pack

Research various press pack photographs for existing film


5543ca99db753b82389cbdb7_vanity-fair-star-wars-03.jpg  vanity-fair-star-wars-05.jpg

Location or studio: Star wars the force awakens was filmed in County Kerry Ireland

Analyse types of images:


Staged or natural:

In the images they use natural light

How are the actors  portrayed?

Daisy Ridley as Rey


J.J. Abrams (Director)

John Williams (Music)

Kathleen Kennedy (Producer)

Lawrence Kasdan (Screenplay)

Micheal Arndt (Screenplay)

Dan Mindel (Cinematographer)

Micheal Kaplan ( Costume designer)

Bryan Burk ( Producer)

Jason D. Gatlin ( Executive Producer)

Maryann Brandon (Editor)

Rick Carter ( Production Designer)

Mary Jo Markey ( Editor)

Magazine Production

Editor (Production Manager)

Each person in the team is overseen by the Editor and knows their responsibilities. Each have their own role in the publication. The Editor will manages the team, organises everybody and checks that they are on task.  Sorts out the production schedule and ensures that the Magazine meets the deadline.  Runs and holds the meetings for the magazine.

What is the genre of the magazine: Entertainment


What features i’m doing in the magazine:

I’m doing the front cover page and adding two pictures to the cover page

Tuesday 13th November: I achieved to get two pictures for the front cover on the page. Planning my research for my two page spread.

Wednesday 14th November: I am going to make the double page on the film Mama Mia and also write about ABBA as well as writing about the film.

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This is a screenshot of my production calendar

Why is this important:

It is important because when i get the layout for the cover page and make sure that i get the font.

What pages i did in the Magazine:

The pages i did for the magazine was i did the cover page and what i had to do was to find a picture suitable for the magazine and make sure that the picture wasn’t pixelated. And then once i got my picture for the front cover i had to make sure that it was the right size. I also had to add text to the front cover ad once i got my the text, i had to make sure that it was big enough to see and that when i put on other text i had to make sure that the text was the same size. I had two colours for the text the colours were ed and the black for the front cover one title was red and the other was black so it didn’t look bland.
My next job was to make a double page spread and what i had to do was to write two reviews one on a film, the film i chose was Mamma Mia and i had to write a review about the film and when it was released and who the cast where. The other review i had to write was on a song called Dancing Queen by ABBA and what i had to was write about the song and when the song was written and when it was released i also wrote about how the song did in the UK charts and how it did all over the world. One of the things i had to was to make sure that i used the same colours for the two page spread.

What website we used to make the magazine:

The website we used to make the magazine was called  flip snack  and once we went on the website i to create an account. Once we created an account for flip snack we had to decide on what layout we could use. We had to ask the designer, the designer is responsible for how the magazine is going to look what colours we could use and what typo graph we could use (how big the font could be for all the different pages). In our team we also had a picture editor. The picture editor is responsible for making sure the pictures are big enough and make sure that they are not blurred and not pixelated.

What i learnt new:

I learnt how to use an online magazine maker called flip snack and i also learnt how to make an online magazine by working in teams.